Monday, February 1, 2016

By accident or design?

There is no place for an accident when you plan the design for your website. There are several instruments that you can use. I suggest using them all. 
1. Google several successful websites that operate under the same business model as the business idea that you have chosen. For example, I have chosen a local window cleaning business. I can google either window cleaning in the other areas or other local service oriented websites like carpet cleaning or something similar. Then I'll examine the top 3-5 sites from the search results and look for similarities and good ideas that I will write down. Then I can plan my own design and implement those good ideas that I find.  
2. Extra learning. You can study some basic rules and ideas. Web Wiz has a good list of articles that I find helpful. 
Designing a Website

Cyberindian gives a short but a good list of website design parts you have to keep in mind. Tamingthebeast has a nice set of ideas for website pages that can inspire you. 
Image sourse

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